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God's Word is Medicine

forgiveness and healing are a package deal

According to the Bible, it is always God’s will to heal. Jesus paid the price for us to be whole in our minds and in our bodies. There are many ways to receive healing.  However, I believe the most significant method is by simply taking God’s Word like you would take medicine.


God wants us to understand the life and power that are in His Word.

He made the world through His Words; that reveals how powerful His Words really are. God’s Word is also a never failing remedy for any situation or circumstance we face in life, including sickness and disease.


According to the following scriptures, God’s Word is full of life, health, and healing.


My son, give attention to my words;

Incline your ear to my sayings.

Do not let them depart from your eyes;

Keep them in the midst of your heart;

For they are life to those who find them,

And health to all their flesh.

Prov 4:20-22 NKJV


The word “health” in verse 22 actually means medicine in the Hebrew. So we could say that God’s Word acts like medicine. God’s Word, or God’s medicine, will heal ALL your flesh. This means any physical problem you may face is completely curable by the word of God!


Many will say they believe in healing, but they fail to take God’s medicine according to His instructions. Some have never known the instructions, and some simply do not follow the instructions they know.

Let’s break down God’s instructions for taking the medicine, which He prescribes in Proverbs 4:20-22:


  1. Attend to God’s Word – make it a priority.

  2. Incline your ears unto it – listen to His word every chance you get.

  3. Let it not depart from your eyes – look at the healing scriptures and say them out loud repeatedly.

  4. Keep them in the midst of your heart – this requires meditating day and night, not just once in a while.


All of these instructions imply a continual, ongoing action.


Suppose you were diagnosed with an illness last year and the doctor prescribed a certain medicine. If you get sick with the same illness this year, he will prescribe the same medication again. You wouldn’t tell him, “Oh no doctor, I can’t take that because I already took that medicine last year.” That’s because we know the dose that was taken last year will need to be repeated in order to work again this year.


It’s the same way with God’s medicine. God’s Word will not benefit you if you have the attitude that you’ve heard all that before. In order for it to work for you, you must stay with it and keep taking it every day.


Follow These 4 Instructions to Receive Your Healing

There are several parallels between God’s medicine and natural medicine. First of all, God’s word is a healing agent just as natural medicine is a healing agent. The medicine itself contains the capacity to produce healing. God’s word contains within it the power to produce healing in our bodies.


Psalm 107:20 says,

 He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.


Second, medicine is no respecter of persons. Medicine doesn’t just decide to work for a select few people. In the same way, God’s Word is not a respecter of persons. However, His Word IS a respecter of faith.

It works for those who receive healing by taking the medicine that produces it.


Third and most importantly, medicine must be taken according to directions to be effective. If you take an antibiotic one time a day for two days when the instructions say two times a day for seven days, it will not work for you. It is the same for God’s medicine. We must follow the instructions in Proverbs chapter 4. We are to keep His words in the midst of our hearts by continually attending to them.


Notice this: it is only as God’s Words get in the midst of your heart and stay there that they can produce healing in your body. They must penetrate to your spirit through meditation – attending, hearing, looking, muttering, musing, and pondering – to produce healing in your body.


Once God’s Words do penetrate, they will surely bring health to all your flesh!

If you're in the Aurora/Naperville area and are looking for a church that teaches the uncompromising Word of God, we invite you to visit Abundant Life Family Church. As a Word and Spirit church, we are committed to helping believers grow in faith, experience the power of God, and walk in His promises. Our services are filled with dynamic worship, Bible-based teaching, and an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit moves. Whether you’re searching for a church home or seeking a deeper relationship with God, we welcome you to join us and be part of a thriving community of faith!


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