We live in a society that’s obsessed with healthcare. You can’t even turn on the television without being blasted by multiple drug commercials. And after they finish listing all the potential side effects, one wonders why anyone would take them.
People don’t want to be sick! This is obvious by how overused our healthcare system is. And you know what? God doesn’t want people sick either!
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 2 NKJV
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers.
3 John 2 AMPC
John was a beloved disciple of Jesus. He knew Jesus well. If he prayed that the bodies of believers would be kept well, then you can know this was the will of God. After all, why would John pray for something that wasn’t the will of God? He would not! God wants our bodies to be kept well!
Many would ask, “If God wants people well, why are so many sick?” Great question! There are many reasons, but here are three:
1. Many don’t know they can live healed.
2. Many don’t believe God wants them well.
3. Many don’t understand how to receive healing.
In previous blogs, I’ve covered the fact that it is God’s will to heal and it is God’s will to heal every time we ask. Today I want to show you how to receive healing.
The Lord so desires that we be well that He has provided many methods whereby we may be healed. One method that is critical for every believer to know about is the method of prayer.
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.
Mark 11:24 NKJV
The subject of this verse is PRAYER. Prayer is available to everyone, not just a select few.
The King James version states it this way: “Whatsoever things ye desire…” This passage is talking about praying for things you desire. For now, we’ll just consider one desire: healing for your body.
Let’s insert it into this verse: “When you pray, believe that you receive healing, and you will have it.”
Some would argue, “But I’ve prayed before and I didn’t receive healing.” Many determined their prayer was not answered by how they felt after praying. However, Jesus said clearly, “And you will have it.” I want you to see that first you must believe you receive healing.
Many have cried, “But I’m not healed!”
That’s a person who is going by their head instead of their heart. When you pray, you have to believe you receive healing first, and THEN you will have healing.
When are you going to have healing? After you believe you receive! When do you believe you receive healing? Before you have it!
Some are thinking, “But that doesn’t make sense. It’s not even common sense!”
That’s exactly right! It’s way above common sense.
Isaiah 55:9 KJV tells us:
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Did it ever occur to you that God’s way would be different than your way? This kind of thinking is as high above common sense as the heavens are above the earth. This kind of thinking receives a lot of criticism, but it also receives what it desires from God.
This type of prayer has been working in my life beautifully for 40 years now.
One example is when my youngest daughter was just a few months old. She had cold symptoms that developed into a more serious condition with labored breathing. I ended up bringing her to a doctor, and then an ER visit. I was told that if there was a third visit, they would diagnose her with asthma. I was determined to receive her healing and that there would be no diagnosis.
I prayed for healing according to Mark 11:24. And then I continued to thank God that my baby was healed, regardless of what I saw and heard. Faith will stand on what God has said, regardless of what it sees, hears, or feels. Those symptoms disappeared. But we had several more episodes over the next year that were screaming, “she has asthma.” I continued to stand and say only what I believed about it. We never did need to go to the ER again, and those symptoms never returned.
So many fail to receive because they believe the lying symptoms of the devil more than they believe what God has said in His Word.
I believe that, as scripture says, God is not a man that He should lie. If anyone is lying, it’s the devil and his symptoms. So when I pray, I believe I receive and refuse to be moved by anything until I receive the answer. God is no respecter of persons. You can do the same thing and be assured of victory every time you pray according to the will of God in faith!
If you're in the Aurora/Naperville area and are looking for a church that teaches the uncompromising Word of God, we invite you to visit Abundant Life Family Church. As a Word and Spirit church, we are committed to helping believers grow in faith, experience the power of God, and walk in His promises. Our services are filled with dynamic worship, Bible-based teaching, and an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit moves. Whether you’re searching for a church home or seeking a deeper relationship with God, we welcome you to join us and be part of a thriving community of faith!